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 Foxglove Ashburton Misdemeanor, pts. ("Rachel")


Rachel, born 7 February 1999, has matured into a beautiful bitch. Rachel went to her first few shows in the fall of 2001 and picked up her first few points. After finishing her championship, Rachel may be available to a junior showmanship or performance home.

Rachel was co-bred with, and is co-owned with, Deb Jones (Ashburton) and Susanne Allen (Avalon).

CH Midas Citation Of Sundial, ROM

Am./Can. Barwoods Impact, ROM

CH Barwoods Love Affair

Am/Can Farpointe's Winter Showcase

CH Marwal Steppin' Out, ROM, 2CC

Walden's Winter Song

Thornway's Fairweather

CH O'Davak Justice Prevails, ROM

CH Cimmaron La Quest Marked Card

CH Duluta Fist Full Of Dollars, ROM

Duluta Chardonay

CH O'Davak's Poetic Justice

CH Midas Citation Of Sundial, ROM

O'Davak's Highland Music

O'Davak's Ragtime Melody

Foxglove Ashburton Misdemeanor (Rachel)

CH Sunnybrook's Heritage Spirit, ROM

Am./Can. CH Alfenloch Ryan O'Neil, ROM

Can. CH Alfenloch Brooke Shields

Am/Can./Jap. CH Alfenloch Whirlwind, ROM

CH Sunnybrook's Heritage Spirit, ROM

Am./Can. CH Alfenloch Tatum O'Neil

Can. CH Alfenloch Brooke Shields

CH Foxglove Ashburton Ingenue (dam of 3 CHs)

CH Fourwinds Light The Way, ROM

CH Trelane Bold Image

Trelane Woodwyn Imagine That

BISS CH Malpsh Penny Serenade, ROM (dam of 6 CHs)

CH Cameo Farms Justinuff Spirit

CH Malpsh The Magic Is Back

CH Westwood's Malpsh Cherry Flan (dam of 3 CHs)

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